Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tarah's Tuesday Technology Tidbit

Are you kidding me? If you are looking at this picture you have to realize that this is just DIRTY.

As most of my close knit community is aware that I work for AMD....(aka the Tri-cycle..)

Now, to put this into perspective, I am going to list off a couple of other rivalries that are as hard core as this little ad is....

5. Rosie O'Donnell vs. Donald Trump
4. Bill Gates (Microsoft) vs. Steve Jobbs (Apple)
3. Obama vs. McCain
2. Sampras vs. Agassi
1. Starbucks vs. Dunkin Donuts

So, in an effort to put this into a perspective that everyone can understand,
I am tired of a larger marketing company placing messaging and sound bytes all over the advertising forum..nothing left unturned...Internet, television and radio. Mostly subliminal.

(PS, I had my TV on over night the other night and I woke up to the sound of the intel ruckus at about 3:30 am.)
Now, I have the power to teach retail and anyone else who asks or just happens on this blog to know the TRUTH.
Stay tuned because every Tuesday on my blog will be Technology Tuesday!

2 CHEERS from the Crowd!:

He & Me + 3 said...

Poor AMD. It's tough being the little guy. You are just the person to turn the company into something bigger! Go girl! Rick's laptop has an amd sticker on it...just noticed that the other day. whooo hoo!

Lisa said...

That's okay Tarah, Joel says, "I love my tricycle" he has one just like that, red too.