Monday, September 22, 2008

Fireproof Your Marriage

I am in baby!! If you have not heard about this movie yet, consider yourself informed!
I have been hearing all the buzz surrounding this movie and I am on the band wagon for a little
Kirk Cameron, Popcorn, and a FULL PRICE ticket to Fireproof.

I know that this movie will save marriages and make them better,
I highly suggest that you talk your hubby into this one...
(the Kirk Cameron thing might scare him off a bit)!

Been thinking about this all weekend!!! So, hold onto your hats and be prepared because the book also hits the book stores on Friday Sept 26th also(I think it is called the love dare).
I'll be picking up a copy and making my way to a happier marriage to boot...
My Marriage is worth it...Is Yours????

The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands.
Proverbs 14:1

6 CHEERS from the Crowd!:

He & Me + 3 said...

You know I will be there! Can't wait! We are trying to get a small group...and I do mean small, to go to a dinner and the movie.

Hansell Happenings said...

That movie looks awesome Tarah! I can ALWAYS use a heavy dose of Mike Sever, um, I mean Kirk Cameron... When are you going to see it? Oh, and can you tell me how you get it so that you just type the name of something and then people can click on it to go to that website? A little clueless on this. (or maybe just what it is called and then I can try to figure it out....) Thanks!

Lisa said...

goose bumps here after watching that, I cannot wait to see the whole movie.

Michelle said...

I cried when I watched the trailer on Mimi's blog and I cried again! My heart aches because I am Kirk Cameron in my marriage... I have a lot to work on and one is asking God to be a better wife!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...


Arn't we all a little like that? That is why the timing could not be any better! We recognize that it is hard to juggle everything. Everyones marriage needs God. End of story or we will all be headed for papers...It takes work, and God...Thanks for the post. Hope you are having a good day!

Michelle said...

Thanks Tarah! I enjoy reading your blog! First thing I get my coffee and read it! You and Mimi brighten my day!