My day starts out a little something like this...Open Eyes, Wonder who blogged....yep, the kids are still sleeping...creep to the computer and then WHAM:
FVOGMN..Really? OK...If you must start my day off with absolute non sense than I am going to fire it back at you with a post that will make your little keyboard spin! An homage to all things word verification begins now:
HUNSPOT: I'll got get my HUN and tell him where his SPOT is...that should go over like a ton of bricks.. Thanks for the brilliant idea blogger. Next Stop: Marriage Counseling.
MONFORT: Of course this is a fort that is made on Mondays...doesn't everyone do this..It's called a CUBE blogger, yes, we all work in our little MONFORTS and check blogs all day long...are you trying to rat me out???
SINFAR: Well, Yes, I hope so...thanks for noticing, I think.
SPLELCH: In my house that would be lovingly referred to as the "SPLATTER BELCH" what other definition could it have? This is a counterpart of FOUGH (the farting cough) and CART (the coughing fart)...sorry for the expletives but this whole SPLELCH thing is a little out of control.
STOOLBUS - Yes, this one popped up and I am not anyone else starting to think that Bloggers random word verifications are NOT SO random? Seems to me like we a 15 yr old male at the helm of the keyboard who is thinking up all sorts of things to make my stomach churn.
YTEDNES- I'm hearing Star Trek..and I can't shake William Shatners voice..."Scotty, He's got YTEDNES...lets get outta here".
SETSO - Something I randomly mommy voice at my children..again, where does Blogger know about all my indiscretions..."No, you can't have a popcicle..because I SETSO."
and finally...
NALITORM - Ahh yes, the drug that will calm all of your word verification nightmares and allow you to sleep restfully...until 4:15am when all the other bloggers are up with the 1st post of the day...
Now mind you, I absolutly DON'T Mind when my friends are using the verification, I just don't understand where they come from? Could they be real words?
Do you use Word Verification? Now, I am curious...Do Share!!!!
1 hour ago
17 CHEERS from the Crowd!:
NO, it is so annoying, but that doesn't stop me from leaving all my blogging friends that use sweet loving comments. LOL
It is just that extra annoying step.
Too funny. I had a few good ones today too. I thought yikes.
I was wondering how they come up with them, and my thought is that they have a child hunt and peck on the keyboard...keeps the day interesting.
I use it but don't know why??!!!! Maybe I should turn it off! And congrats on winning over at MiMis! Way cool!
Ok, I actually drooled a little from laughing so hard while reading this. You are HILARIOUS!!!! I've laughed at a few of the words that pop up too... once in a great while, I'll get one that's actually a word. I used to use it, but hated doing it on other people's blogs, so I took mine off. Only got one day of spam comments.
Please, please, keep the definitions coming!
You are cracking me up. I hate word verif, too funny.
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I turned it off after a bunch of people complained about it. I had had one really nasty ginormous comment that was obviously deposited by a bot of some sort, so I used it for a long time. Haven't really had any trouble since I turned it off.
This is a riot! I have had some really silly ones too--and definitely have wondered if they could really be random!
I too often read the words an think... how did they come up with this? The fonts they use drive me crazy sometimes too because not only do you have to decipher a non-sense word, but you have to figure out what the letters are in fonts that are often so squished together you can't read the individual letters to begin with!
Funny post Tarah! Those darn Verifications are so strange sometimes! I hate when they are hard to read too! Thanks for the laugh!
Oh and thanks for the comment on my blog too about the photo of me with the baby.. I have a LONG way to go... but those comments make me keep at it! So THANKS! means a lot!
Can't wait to read your next post!
I pulled the plug on my word verification when day when it would not "load" and someone emailed me to tell my they could not comment. (Thanks nice person!)
Blogger can be such a thorn in my side, thought I would give everyone a major break!!!!!!
That was funny. Those word verifications are so annoying.
Oh sweet crack me up! And I'm such a 'fan'...come check out what that means.
And thank you so much for your prayers while I was down and then are precious and certainly lifted me up!
I hate word verification! If you get spam, HELLO you can delete it! LOL!!!
Grr :)
Tarah, one day I actually sat there hitting "refresh" over and over and over just to see what different 'word verification' combinations this thing would come up with. I find them amusing! =0)
This is so funny! I never made it do word verification but I think it does it. Can it do it on it's own? That just goes to show that I know NOTHING about how my blog works! I just type and hope for the best : ).
Word verification = annoying! Just an extra step I could do without. But hey... each to their own.
Yeah, I've come across some very strange words. Wonder who comes up with these things.
I think I will remove my word verification RTNOW if I have
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