I will be honest and say that when I had my 1st child and I was pregnant with my second I thought....will I love this baby as much as the 1st? And then he arrived, HEALTHY, beautiful and full of life.....BUT sometimes he still he gets a bad rap...why? Because he is SOOO much busier than his older brother. Over the past year this is something that I have been working on myself with. I say "Self...you have 2 children and you should NOT compare one to another.
They are each blessings in their own way and God created them in his image and that makes them just PERFECT."
So, in an effort to remind myself that although mothering children is not always the easiest task, it is a BLESSING that only some of us get to experience. And to that little boy, who has been known to break a couple of hundred things around the house:
I say, "I LOVE YOU MORE than a zibillion namillion fafillion green M&M's (his favorite)!
And honestly...I had the BEST day with him....JUST him!!!
Which Never happens! He is just precious...
Enough bragging for the night!!!
27 CHEERS from the Crowd!:
beautifully honest...I will admit I deal with the same thing...but slightly different - an overactive older brother and a laid back littlest guy. But always both are beautiful, sweet, precious little men...thank you for sharing!!
Awwwwwwwwww, and did you read him that post? You should!
Riley absolutely LOVES to hear posts about her... like the bike riding one. She listened so intently, and at the end she exclaimed, "THANKS MOM!" and gave me the biggest hug!
He looks like such a sweet, lovable little guy!
how sweet!
yeah mine is backwards too..I tend to dote on the youngest and middle childs and get irate with the oldest...but that is probably just because she's a tweenager :P
Yea for you! I feel so blessed to have had a boy, and then a girl. I was afraid it would be hard not to compare them because they are so close together, but they are so different that it is impossible. I often think it would be harder if they were the same gender.
He is to cute! And I can't even compare my children because they are not even close to being one like the other.
I'm sort of praying that the one in my belly is a little calmer than Natey. He is just sooooo crazy and it wears me out. I can't imagine if this one is crazier. Oh my.
Hey Tarah. This is such a sweet post. Love this photo of your little Dennis The Menace! I bet he got a BIG smile on his face with this one. Good wraps never go unnoticed.
Hey woman! I miss you! Hope you are doing well! ♥ HUGS ♥
What a sweet post and a super duper head shot. You don't need their stinkin photographer. you are awesome. Yes, he is a blessing from the Lord and he is just precious! Stunt Man gets the rap and yet is so spoiled and loved. Go figure.
What an endearing post. With 2 boys very close in age, I sometimes feel as though Colin gets a bad rap. I have to remind myself, OFTEN that he is a different person with his own personality! But thanks for the reminder...and I love what you say to him. very cute!
This was so sweet, and I can totally relate. He is so handsome.
My boys are so different from one another...like night and day! Of course, when our second son was born, I realized that my love wouldn't be DIVIDED between the two boys. It was MULTIPLIED. :-)
What a sweet post. Isn't it funny how the kids can be so different?
My youngest was extremely shy as a child. He wouldn't talk to anyone except my hubby and I, his brother, and my parents.
He wouldn't talk to his aunts or uncles, or any of our friends. Just us (and his childhood friends, as long as no adult was listening).
This went on until preschool, when he finally talked to his teacher after three weeks.
At church, in AWANA, he sat in
Cubbies (for 3 and 4 year olds) for five months and didn't say a word.
They worked with him like crazy, trying to get him to talk to them. He finally said his first word to them "elephant." He loved elephants then. They were so thrilled they cried, lol!
At home he wouldn't shut-up of course...hehehe!
Aww..Tarah! You can brag all you want!!!!
It is so fun when I have one on one time w/ my kids too, so I can imagine how much fun you had w/ him alone!!!
What a sweet blue-eyed blessing :)
It's so hard not to compare siblings, it's just natural...but you're so right...they're different for a reason and I love all the differences...really, even on those so hard days when Emily is whining and crying about everything! LOL! So sweet!
Great post!
Sometimes I find it very hard to treat all 3 of my children exactly the same. They are all so different and the age difference between my oldest (10) and my middle son (4) is so big. Often, i expect too much of my big boy! I still try hard every day to tell each of them how much I love them and the individual things that are special about just them!
Great to hear you bragging about your awesome boy! Sweet~
Great post and super reminder of how important it is to treat all our kids the same.
Your boys are both so cute and I know you are VERY proud of both of them!
Love and Prayers,
I know exactly what you're saying!!!!
Love the m&m's saying...that's the sweetest thing!
His eyes in this picture are so blue. Glad you had fun.
I totally compare ALL my kids - not just boys to boys and girls to girls. It's hard not to.
My husband and I have 7 children.
We remind ourselves that each child is an individual and will not be exactly like the other. It can be hard at times, especially when one is more difficult than the other.
Hugs and Mocha,
I just love that shot of your littlest guy! And I'm glad you wrote what you did... I struggled 7 years to become a mother - and that reminder keeps me grateful for every little silly and annoying thing Itty Bit does! (or in spite of it???!)
I have joked that this is why I have an only child ;) But I'm so glad to know you guys had a great day! There's nothing quite like the joy of spending time with our children.
Take care my friend!
I pray you are doing well!
I have wondered the same thing myself. What did we do before they came along, and what will we do after they're out on their own?
He is so extremely extremely extremely cute! Would you please tell him I said that!!
Awwwwwwwwwwww. I always think that when I have a baby it will be hard to love it as much as Kaish. I mean, of course I will adore it, but Kaish will always be my first, most special child. It will be second special : ).
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