I'm feeling pretty caught up...clean house, laundry done, rooms painted, school shopping, groceries and bills and paperwork are all filled out....
Ahhhh, amazing what NOT blogging does for your personal life!
I have a Kindergartner.
It's official. Tomorrow at 12:30pm, he will no longer be a preschooler.
I am really trying hard not to let it overwhelm me.
**Someone, please call to check and make sure that I left the school parking lot**
I started reading the book "Boundaries with Kids"....
I HIGHLY recommend it....GREAT BOOK and I am on chapter 3!!!
Remember those nights..where you tossed and turned?
A prayer for my boys...and for all your kiddos too!
I pray a year of excelling academically, making good decisions, being a good friend as well as meeting new friends, putting forth the best effort and letting GOD be in all the decisions that they make. I ask that they be strong in character, desire, and playfulness to allow them to grow throughout this year.
21 CHEERS from the Crowd!:
Great post! I hope you survive tomorrow!
A Kindergartner! Awe, my favorite grade.
I am praying he will have a wonderful day (and that you will leave the parking lot :)
Good for you...catching up. I will fly you out if you will get my mess in order!
Happy first day of school :)
How sweet are those sleeping babes! I remember my boys starting Kindergarten...they were awesome, I was a complete mess, ALL day, haha!! Good Luck, you'll be fine!
Good luck tomorrow. I'm sending my oldest off to high school tomorrow and am feeling pretty panicked myself.
I LOVE kindergarteners!!! He will do great and so will you!!! Love their sleeping pics!
Great post, cute pic and good luck tomorrow. The boys will do fine, after you drop them off, go do something to get your mind off it. Get a pedicure or something...ya know?!
What a sweet prayer. Have a good first day of school.
Good that you are caught up. That's a great feeling isn't it?
Happy fall!
Oh my gosh, I do remember those days before the first day of school! So exciting to see your friends!!
I hope Mimi calls to make sure you made it home..lol.
hope the first day of school goes smoothly for everyone
Good luck today!!!!! I remember dropping Jacob off vividly :)
Love their sleeping pictures...adorable!
Glad you were able to catch up....now I need to do the same thing.
Aw...it's so bittersweet when the youngest is in kindergarten and your 'babies' are growing up! Sweet pictures ;)
Hope they have a great first day and you don't loiter in the parking lot too long, haha!
Good luck car searching...we're about to face that soon.
{ps...I don't know what the ISO settting is for the ice rink...I think it's auto, because I honestly don't know otherwise! Sorry not much help!}
Hi Tarah!
Good luck on starting a new school year! I'm certain that all will be well!
Tarah, is there a Moms in Touch group that meets to pray for your kids and school? If you haven't checked into it, you would love it!! Awesome post. Ditto the been away livin' life. Good for you. :-)
Don't you worry about the comments. Your blog is about you and your family. The bonus is when you have time you get to leaving comments.
Hope your boys have a wonderful school year, and hope you the mom didn't go through to many Kleenexs.
Tarah lives! She has NOT left the building! Woo hoo! =0)
Sweet pictures of your boys. Can't wait to hear how their first day goes. Loved your prayer for them. Amen and Amen!
Loved the randomness. Cute pictures of your big boys.
My oldest started his senior year today. Almost as hard as his first day of kindergarten!
I know you feel good to be all caught up! I hope your boys had a great first day of school!
I hope they both have wonderful years Tarah. Kindergarten. Oh my gosh. Stop it right this second. For some reason this year I am a mess. You wouldn't think 4th grade would be devestating to me, but it is. I just wish I could pause him for a while. I love him so much. I don't want him to grow up and leave me. And no, I absolutely do NOT need to read that boundries book along with you. Look how completely healthy I am.....
I've been mostly absent too! Too much to do and not enough time to get it all done! Glad to see you back. Since you blogged last night, I am assuming you made it out of the parking lot. ;o)
Aww! No more preschool! He will do great in kindergarten. The pictures of them sleeping are adorable.
Happy car hunting. We are in need of a new one too. But we want an 8 passenger vehicle. Those are a little harder to get.
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