It's official. We are quarantined. Quarterback has a 104.5 temperature and is very lethargic. So far Tight End, Receiver and myself are H1N1 free but still. No chances. Just thought I should give you all a reminder of things to do to make sure this does not happen to you or your family.
◘ Lysol or Clorox wipe your whole house. This includes door handles, toilet handles, railings, cupboard knobs, and faucet handles.
◘ You should also keep Lysol wipes in your purse and wipe down carts as well as door handles to the car. The virus is airborne for 48 hours.
◘ Lots of fluids and keep the temperature in your house at 70 or above to provide adequate humidity.
◘ Apparently, rent LOTS of movies, books, games and catch up on blogs while you have 1 down for the whole week.
Thanks for your prayers.
40 CHEERS from the Crowd!:
I am soooo sorry. Sending prayers as you try to kill that nasty germ before it captures another player.
Blessings and prayers, andrea
Girl...that is horrible. Buy those masks for everyone & do not I repeat do not kiss anyone or anything. LOL Guess I can reach you at home all week?
Praying for my favorite QB.
Wow...that is way bad! Hope he is feeling better soon and just think you will have a week to just chill with your fam and relax! Take care and keep clean! Praying for a quick recovery and that no one else gets it!
Oh man, I'm soooo sorry to hear it, Tarah. Yuck.
Cam had it the week before last... and was out of school the whole week. Oddly enough, NOBODY else in the family got it. Whew!!!
Hang in there, and BLOG ON!
My thoughts and prayers are with your family! Hunter was diagnosed with the swine flue last Friday after waking up with 104 fever! He made a speedy recovery...and I hope Quarterback does too!
Oh no, so sorry to hear. Hope all is better soon and it doesn't spread any further in the house.
Oh noooo!!!! Darnit - I hope the rest of you don't get it!!
Oh man! I hope Quarterback gets well soon and that none of the rest of you get it. Kyle was exposed to it and since I am a heart patient, he is with his dad until we make sure he didn't get it.
Oh that is a bummer! I hope the rest of you stay healthy and that he'll be well soon.
Have a good week watching movies, etc. Take care
SO sorry to hear this...sending positive thoughts and prayers Tarah.
Oh, poor little guy! I hope he feels better soon. It seems like it's usually only the kids who are getting it lately. It's supposed to be milder now so hopefully it won't be as bad.
Bummer. I hope he is better soon. I hate the high fevers, hope he is drinking well for you.
I am glad your snow melted quickly, most of ours in gone too!
Hope he feels better soon. Our pediatrician called today and she says that Cooper probably had it too.Very high fevers.One was 104.7!!!Hoping and praying Quinn doesn't get it.Hope none elase in your family gets it either.Thank goodness for Lysol wipes!!
Aw...poor little fella :(
I'm surprised we haven't gotten that yet. Some kid at Dan's work tested positive for it...but we haven't seen any syptoms at home. Take care...I hope he recovers quickly and no one else gets sick. Hope he enjoy watching some good movies while he's home.
So sorry! It's going around our school system, and with 3 in school I know our odds aren't great, but I'm praying we don't get it! I will pray that he gets well soon and that none of the rest of you pick it up!!
Oh man...I'm sorry you guys have to deal with that bug. Hope it passes quickly. I will pray.
Oh boy! Will be saying some prayers for you this night.
Hope it goes as quickly as it came!!
Keep us posted!
Oh no!!! I'll be praying for quick recoveries in your home!!!
Thanks for the tips, too, Tarah!
I think we've got it here too. No fun! I hope everyone's back to 100% soon! Take care!
Oh, poo! Hang in there, Tarah! Praying for a quick recovery and that NO ONE ELSE gets infected!
Oh Tarah...SO sorry to hear!!! This is not news we wanted to hear in blogland. I hope the rest of you stay well...not fun for you to see your little guy sick(horrible for him). Here is praying for a speedy recovery.
(((hugs))) sorry to hear this. I pray the rest of you fight it off and that QB is 100% fast!
Oh no, was it officially diagnosed as swine flu?? I pray no one else in the house gets sick!
Oh no! I hope he gets better soon! A sick hubby is no fun at all ;)
Praying no one else gets sick!
oh that is so not fun! Hope no one else gets it... air out the house and get those germs out of there
Ooohh! Get well soon QB!
How is your little guy doing? So sorry to read this... sending you prayers!
Ohh my gosh! How sad. I hope no one else gets it and that all will be back to normal soon!
Omg!!!! How awful!!!
You guys all ok?
Ohmygoodness! I'm so sorry! All three of us have been down sick this past week, but I don't think it's the big one.
Hope he's back to himself in no time!
Yuck! Hope noone else gets it and QB is feeling better soon!
I am so sorry to hear that! I pray he is better now!
Girl, I am alllll about the hand sanitizer. My daughter and I use it constantly.
That's not fun. Praying for you, QB and the fam.
Hoping that your little guy gets to feeling better soon. Praying that the rest of your family doesn't get sick! :(
We're in the same boat. 3/4 of us have it, though so far it seems pretty mild compared to what I expected. We'll see.......
Yeah, I think it'll be nice not to have to chop a green pepper for fajitas. Saves time and money, how cool is that?
Hope QB is feeling better now and that his fever is dropping. How's he doing?
Aww! Sorry to hear that QB is not feeling well! Hope he recovers quickly.
Yikes, I hope he gets better soon and no ones else catches it.
Oh I hope you all get better soon!
oh no!!!!
R U guys better? Did everyone catch it? Was it scary?
you've posted since, so I take it you are alive!
I am so sorry to hear this!
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