There are soo many cool websites and information about scrapbooking, photography and other neat and insightful tips out there. I have decided that I will start to blog a little about some really cool things that I have been using or finding. Mind you, everything is trial and error (in my case sometimes seems like more error)! My find for today came from my cousin Mimi, it is a site that is called picnik ( I am attaching a couple of really cool pictures that I took with my Nikon D40X camera and then I played around with them on picnik. The best part about picnic is that there is a basic version that is free, and then an upgrade that you pay $24.95 per year for. Just like photoshop only a little more user friendly and if you are just looking for some basic things to make your pics pop, this is it! Of course, I am also a huge fan of photoshop but it is much spendier and you need to take classes to, I have taken several classes and still don't know half of what I should....Well, until the next blog...enjoy!
1 day ago
2 CHEERS from the Crowd!:
Love the picture of Jaxon...better than a school picture in my opinion, but you know what they say about opinions...
Everybodies got one! (Clean version)!
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